We’ve done some upgrading!

October 14, 2020


We’re excited to show off our improved YouTube channel…


Our classic videos are still there for you to “watch and learn” from but now new and more regular videos will be there showcasing fabrication and all things Accent Truss. Head over to our channel now to watch the classics, see our new stuff and to subscribe so you won’t miss out on future classics.</p.

And we’ve also upgraded our production facilities…

Our two smaller shops became one in a much larger space on Johns Island, SC. The transition to our new and improved shop went very smoothly thanks to our great team. The larger space is already making us more efficient than we were before. Look out heavy timber world…us experts are getting better all the time!


“ Architecture should speak of it’s time and place, yet yearn for timelessness. ”

– Frank Gehry

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